Barthelemy vs Blanco Fight Stats
Barthelemy wins by TKO
Rangy 130-pound southpaw Leduan Barthelemy remained unbeaten with a ninth-round TKO of Reynaldo Blanco.
![Leduan Barthelemy photo](
![Reynaldo Blanco photo](
Rangy 130-pound southpaw Leduan Barthelemy remained unbeaten with a ninth-round TKO of Reynaldo Blanco.
- Name
- Record
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- KOs (KO %)
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- Weight
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- Height
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- Reach
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- Stance
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco
- Age
- Leduan Barthelemy
- Reynaldo Blanco