Brandun Lee vs Pedro Campa Fight Stats
Lee Defeats Campa
Brandun Lee improves to 28-0, defeating Pedro Campa by unanimous decision after 10 action-packed rounds in the super lightweight co-main event.
![Brandun Lee photo](
![Pedro Campa photo](
Brandun Lee improves to 28-0, defeating Pedro Campa by unanimous decision after 10 action-packed rounds in the super lightweight co-main event.
- Name
- Record
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- KOs (KO %)
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- Weight
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- Height
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- Reach
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- Stance
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa
- Age
- Brandun Lee
- Pedro Campa