Ceja vs Ruiz Fight Stats
Ruiz wins by TKO
Hugo Ruiz stopped Julio Ceja 51 seconds into Round 1 with an overwhelming attack to win the rematch of their 122-pound title fight.

Hugo Ruiz stopped Julio Ceja 51 seconds into Round 1 with an overwhelming attack to win the rematch of their 122-pound title fight.
- Name
- Record
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- KOs (KO %)
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- Weight
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- Height
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- Reach
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- Stance
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz
- Age
- Julio Ceja
- Hugo Ruiz