Fortuna vs Vasquez Fight Stats
Fortuna defeats Vasquez by UD
Javier Fortuna controlled the action for 12 rounds and held off a fierce attack from Bryan Vasquez to win a 130-pound showdown and stay unbeaten.
![Javier Fortuna photo](
![Bryan Vasquez photo](
Javier Fortuna controlled the action for 12 rounds and held off a fierce attack from Bryan Vasquez to win a 130-pound showdown and stay unbeaten.
- Name
- Record
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- KOs (KO %)
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- Weight
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- Height
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- Reach
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- Stance
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez
- Age
- Javier Fortuna
- Bryan Vasquez