Hector Luis Garcia vs Lamont Roach Fight Stats
Roach Defeats Garcia
In the PPV opener, former title challenger Lamont Roach wrested away Héctor García’s WBA Super Featherweight Title in his second attempt at a belt, dropping García in the 12th round and winning a split decision by scores of 116-111, 114-113 and 113-114 in a highly technical and strategic fight.

In the PPV opener, former title challenger Lamont Roach wrested away Héctor García’s WBA Super Featherweight Title in his second attempt at a belt, dropping García in the 12th round and winning a split decision by scores of 116-111, 114-113 and 113-114 in a highly technical and strategic fight.
- Name
- Record
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- KOs (KO %)
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- Weight
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- Height
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- Reach
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- Stance
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach
- Age
- Hector Luis Garcia
- Lamont Roach