Leo vs Alameda Fight Stats
Leo Defeats Alameda
Angelo Leo improved to 21-1 (9 KOs) following his majority decision victory over Aaron Alameda in their 10-round super bantamweight bout, live on SHOWTIME.

Angelo Leo improved to 21-1 (9 KOs) following his majority decision victory over Aaron Alameda in their 10-round super bantamweight bout, live on SHOWTIME.
- Name
- Record
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- KOs (KO %)
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- Weight
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- Height
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- Reach
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- Stance
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda
- Age
- Angelo Leo
- Aaron Alameda