Lipinets vs Ghvamichava Fight Stats
Lipinets wins by KO
Fast-rising 140-pound prospect Sergey Lipinets scored a fifth-round KO of Levan "The Wolf” Ghvamichava with a punishing left hook to the body.

Fast-rising 140-pound prospect Sergey Lipinets scored a fifth-round KO of Levan "The Wolf” Ghvamichava with a punishing left hook to the body.
- Name
- Record
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- KOs (KO %)
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- Weight
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- Height
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- Reach
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- Stance
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava
- Age
- Sergey Lipinets
- Levan Ghvamichava