Lubin vs Lora Fight Stats
Lubin wins by TKO
Lubin wins at the 1:58 mark of the sixth round after landing a series of unanswered punches, leading Lora's corner to call an end to the fight.

Lubin wins at the 1:58 mark of the sixth round after landing a series of unanswered punches, leading Lora's corner to call an end to the fight.
- Name
- Record
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- KOs (KO %)
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- Weight
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- Height
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- Reach
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- Stance
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora
- Age
- Erickson Lubin
- Orlando Lora