Martinez vs Marrero Fight Stats
Martinez defeats Marrero
Undefeated contender Xavier MartÃnez takes the hard-hitting Claudio "The Matrix" Marrero the distance and walks away victorious via UD in their WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator.

Undefeated contender Xavier MartÃnez takes the hard-hitting Claudio "The Matrix" Marrero the distance and walks away victorious via UD in their WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator.
- Name
- Record
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- KOs (KO %)
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- Weight
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- Height
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- Reach
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- Stance
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero
- Age
- Xavier Martinez
- Claudio Marrero