Rodriguez vs Gaballo Fight Stats
Gaballo Defeats Rodriguez
Emmanuel Rodríguez suffers a narrow split decision loss to Reymart Gaballo in their Interim WBC Bantamweight Championship bout on SHOWTIME.

Emmanuel Rodríguez suffers a narrow split decision loss to Reymart Gaballo in their Interim WBC Bantamweight Championship bout on SHOWTIME.
- Name
- Record
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- KOs (KO %)
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- Weight
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- Height
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- Reach
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- Stance
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo
- Age
- Emmanuel Rodriguez
- Reymart Gaballo