Roiman Villa vs Ricardo Salas Fight Stats
Salas Defeats Villa
Ricardo Salas (20-2-2, 15 KOs) defeated Roiman Villa (26-3, 24 KOs) by way of a highlight-reel KO at 2:06 into the third round of their welterweight clash.

Ricardo Salas (20-2-2, 15 KOs) defeated Roiman Villa (26-3, 24 KOs) by way of a highlight-reel KO at 2:06 into the third round of their welterweight clash.
- Name
- Record
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- KOs (KO %)
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- Weight
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- Height
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- Reach
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- Stance
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas
- Age
- Roiman Villa
- Ricardo Salas