Travon Marshall vs Gabriel Maestre Fight Stats
Maestre Defeats Marshall
Two-time Olympian Gabriel Maestre proves age is just a number as he stops top prospect Travon Marshall by way of TKO in round two in their scheduled 10-round welterweight bout.

Two-time Olympian Gabriel Maestre proves age is just a number as he stops top prospect Travon Marshall by way of TKO in round two in their scheduled 10-round welterweight bout.
- Name
- Record
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- KOs (KO %)
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- Weight
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- Height
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- Reach
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- Stance
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre
- Age
- Travon Marshall
- Gabriel Maestre